Thursday, March 22, 2012

Life Bingo...

In the game of life...we all have our choice of how to play it...It occurred to me today...that if I could pick again...instead of Old Maid or Go Fish...I would choose Bingo....It's don't have to add...just be quick and be able to draw a straight line with your eyes...In's a linear quick reflexes...wordsmithing...or competition...I mean there are competitors but they can't actively beat you...success is where preparation and opportunity meet...for you...

The more I think about it...the more that I know what my winning combination would be....

B-1 with myself...really love me for who I am...honor my own needs and boundaries and allow myself the  freedom to succeed or flounder...and tell myself that both are okay...

I-4 get the past wrongs and pains...not so that they didn't happen...but so that I can stop clinging to things that don't define me anymore...only move forward...not backwards...

N-44 is just a number...sure it's my age...but what does that beauty grows from within me and it is ageless....

G-5 years from now where will I be?...all that time to explore...change...dream...and act on those dreams...and after that...I'll just tack on another five...and then another...and then's all about possibilities...

O-30 years from now...most of this won't matter...I will begin to enjoy my autumn...the time when I no longer feel that I am racing against a clock...I'll garden...wear mismatched clothes...laugh even whatever I want...take long walks in the sun...have streaks of silver in my long hair...and get discounts on everything...

I don't know about you...but somehow it doesn't get much simpler or finer than this...maybe we should all consider playing this...

This Life Bingo....

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