Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Colorful Language...

I try to not focus on my pet peeves…but I have to say that today one seems to be getting the best of me…Try as I might…I find myself irritated with…once again…finding myself in a situation where someone is telling me that the color blue…is really brown…

You know what I’m speaking of…you are in a situation where you have assessed everything…viewed all angles objectively and reached a solid conclusion on how to address the issue of the color blue….you are fully aware of all aspects…Then you speak with the other person involved with the color…you express your responsibilities and the parameters of your actions….with the color blue…and they get defensive…and tell you that you are leaping to the end of the rainbow rather than starting at the beginning with them…

You proceed to ask them their starting point…they reply that they haven’t decided on that yet but you need to follow their lead…And they’re leading you where?...To the color brown…You remain calm and remind them that it truly is the color blue…the color of the sky…the color of a robin’s egg…They respond that they prefer to see it as brown….clear as mud…and you should too…

They speak in a condescending tone…clearly pointing out what a simpleton you are by their vocal inflections…You continue to maintain your evenness…but inside you’d like to stick a paint brush where their brown don’t shine…

These are the moments that make your eye twitch…but there is no escaping it…No matter how you color your own world…others don’t have to agree and most won’t…They either don’t like your color…it’s too difficult a color to contend with…or they feel more in control if they can re-color everything their way…because it really is all about them…In the end…it’s up to you to decide if you will let it go…and let them color all over everything…or grab their art supplies and break all of their crayons…

As for me…I choose to continue coloring the way things are…to me the blue sky is blue…and mud is brown…So…anyone can come along and tell me that I don’t know what I’m looking at…but I don’t have to listen…I know the difference between what is and what isn’t…and I know my responsibilities…Long after I leave they can call it whatever they want…They can call it pink…

I’ll tell you though…if they keep it up…I might get creative…

And use some colorful language…

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