Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vampires In Our Midst...

I'll admit I like a good vampire movie just as much as the next person.  I'm not talking about Twilight...that's what teenage girls wish vampires were like...I'm talking about hardcore vampires... soulless...unpredictable...devoid of feeling.  When I think vampire that's what I'm looking for...but then most of the time I don't have to look to the big screen to get the experience.

Vampires are alluring...seductive...they dazzle and glamour their victims and often look more beautiful than their living counterparts.  They are beyond intelligent...they are cunning...they are sexy...they are quite talented...they reach out to their victims by offering what they need...desire.  It is then and only then that they drain their victims of their life...their hopes...their dreams and all that is precious to them.  When they are done...satisfied...they leave behind the empty...lifeless shell of a human being...and move on to the next.  It is true that eventually these predators will meet an untimely end....but, not before taking many prisoners.

So, how does one recognize these night-walkers?  They certainly don't carry a card or wear a sign.  If you were to shake their hand, you would probably know that something was up...but...often...before it dawns on you...the damage is done...their bite has been inflicted upon you...and good luck getting away.

My guess is that they often look like a "friend" or a "colleague" or a "long lost love" or a"girlfriend" or a potential "boyfriend" or a potential "spouse"...sometimes they resemble...oddly enough...a "family member."  Sometimes these vampires become the victim of someone stronger...another competing vampire....or, on a really good day...they lose their power to someone who is seasoned and experienced in "blowing their covers" and are stopped in their tracks by someone who knows how to ward off those beings of death and destruction.

Unfortunately, there are those individuals who go to extremes to protect themselves from vampires and are always driving a stake into everyone's heart to protect themselves.  They often hide in the dark...avoid any intimate contact with others who are actually safe...because, in their eyes, everyone is a vampire.  These fearing individuals are sometimes more dangerous than the true vampires.  They strike without provocation and leave a wake of dead bodies at every turn.  They are extremely apologetic...once they gather their senses....but, are likely to panic again and offer death blows to the next person who surprises them.  Sadly...they often meet their demise by the very hands that they are trying to avoid...a vampire.  They were so bent on protecting themselves from predators that when a true predator materializes...they don't recognize it for what it looks so different from those they have destroyed before that they believe that...maybe...this being is safe...only to die looking into the eyes of what they feared most.... does one truly protect themselves from having their life cut short by the predatory vampires and the  individuals who respond only with fear?  How do you enjoy life...but also make wise decisions in taking in a stranger?  I'm certainly no expert about these things...but here is what I do know...

You should be able to eat anything you want without the individual curling their lip in if it's garlic or onions or chocolate cake...if it bothers them so much that they bare their teeth...that's a sign.  A good person isn't afraid to see their reflection in the mirror...if they walk past a mirror and can't see themselves in it...that's a sign.  A real person doesn't hide in the shadows...skulk in the dark and avoid others...if they do...that's a sign.  A true person doesn't try to dazzle everyone...rising above and drawing all eyes to theirs...there is little glamour and more reality...if they need to be the very center of your undivided attention...that's a sign.  A caring individual doesn't try to make you forget what just that they will be safe...they deal with what happened and honor what your perception is...if someone makes you feel foggy...that's a sign.  And last but not least...all good things look the same by the light of day as they do in the dark of night...when the sign rises they should still be standing beside you...if they vaporize...well...that's a sign.

I can only hope that my advice is helpful....and if you recognize...through this admonition...that you know someone who is a vampire...don't be too hard on yourself.  You are only human...trusting...and it doesn't mean you can't get away safely.  Just keep in mind to use caution...not fear.  Use common sense...not old wive's tales.  If it feels like a probably is...just be careful of who you let in...and remember...if you invite someone are partially responsible...but you don't have to pay with your life...just command them to leave.   They'll blow right out the door....vampires are usually cowards at their core.

Living doesn't have to mean that you fear every means being matter what you do...that they are out there...there are vampires in our midst....

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