I am a lucky woman...I never imagined that I could have so many people in my life that care about me...Maybe it's because I live in a rural area...but I really believe it is because I have changed and let people into my life...Either way...I am lucky...no...blessed with individuals who want only good things for me and will go out of their way to help that to happen...
And then...there are always a couple of people who are just curious...you know....you are a side show and they don't want to "get involved"...but they will follow you down the street to ask leading questions...They stop you in Wal-Mart to present openings for you to dump your personal treasures...and they watch your eyes to see if they dart about....
If you really need something...they position themselves with kettle corn and a soda to get the best seat for the train wreck...and if you look toward them in need...they immediately stare at the ceiling...the floor...out the window...or suddenly hear their phone ring...It's not that they are afraid to be around you...they just want to be voyeurs in your misery...discomfort or pain...They are hungry for it...as if the popcorn weren't enough....
People who care about you are available in the wings...standing off to the side...giving you space...if you need it ...and open arms...if you need it...The curiosity seekers are hoping you need help...but only want to watch the show...not have audience participation...too bad they don't have "wet seats" for those individuals...
Unless...of course...one stumbles across the freak show attendees that like to touch your exhibit...you know...they stir the pot...put their sticky hands in your broken cookie jar and finger everything and then don't want the responsibility of actually taking any ownership of involvement...
The key is to identify those that really care and those that don't...and separate them in your mind and heart...I'm not saying this is easy...it isn't...especially when it temporarily feels like your life is crumbling....The good news is that the people who don't care won't stick around for the good times....Your bad times help them to feel better about their own lives...that's why they are there...They don't want you to be happy...because then their lives look less than perfect...
So...when your ocean of life is tossing you back and forth and your boat has been rocked...you really can tell...if you look hard...if the National Guard is coming in for a rescue mission....Or...by chance...it appears that it is just a ship of fools...all you have to do is ask them the simple deadly question that they can't answer....
And...it's your business because...?
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