Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 1 Backstory

I question everything...the good, the bad, the ugly.  In my work, this helps people; but, this past year it seems that my questions have attached themselves to me and turned my life upside down.  The risk of asking is getting do you wade through all of these answers, deciding which ones apply to you and which ones are just leeching onto your leg...and, well, they belong to someone else?

So, after a year of wading through the mud and the muck and doing my best to not be swallowed up by the universe responding to my barrage of questions, I am going to see if it takes a year to recover from...a know, that sort of year...the year with a "kick me" sign taped to your butt.  This isn't about being a man or a woman, and I can't promise that I won't have sarcastic days or painful or just plain funny; but, I can promise that I will be honest....So, here I begin....

A couple of years ago, I started working with people in the community in program titled The Getting Ahead Program.  Every week, sometimes daily I worked with men and women as they slogged through their lives and created real, tangible plans for themselves...(this is the serious part of the blog).   It was amazing how they  worked through a curriculum to discover themselves and make their desires reality.

As I witnessed person after person create new lives, mine began to fall apart...not just in chips or flakes, but in chunks...huge rusted chunks of debris.  Each time I thought I had reached the end of my surprises, another vibrant failure took place....maybe not failure, just another tar pit that I had fallen into.  With each colleague and friend that I entertained with my daily humiliations that I shared, I kept thinking "I can't be the only one that this happens to."  I'm not...all of the people I worked with had their own stories, and we laughed together as we shared.

So, I'm going to start just like my groups did, breaking things down month by month, with a monthly theme, and we'll see where this takes me...well, us.  I definitely want to hear your opinions, your stories and let's keep it we go.....

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